Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Roller Blind for You

If you've made the choice that a roller blind is the best option for your room, then your decisions do not end there. Roller blinds come in such a vast array of variations that you may not know all of the options available to you.
Our handy guide will walk you through your options and show you there's a roller blind for every room and situation.
Standard Roller Blind
Your standard roller blinds are the best cost effective solution to dress your windows, practical and effective they come in a wide range of patterned and plain fabrics to suit your room. Chains come in chrome as standard but bronze/brass and white chains can also be chosen. 
Best for - Projects with a smaller budget
Voile Roller Blind
If your looking for privacy whilst still letting through some light into the room then a voile roller blind is your answer. The semi sheer fabrics gives you the visual block from an outside street or neighbour without having to worry about fumbling around the room in the dark. They also provide some shade in particularly sunny rooms by filtering some of the light that comes through.
Best for - Dressing rooms, ensuites, kitchens
Blackout Roller Blinds
In reverse to the voile roller blinds, if your struggling with morning sunlight waking you up or the glare on TV and computer screens, then a blackout blind is the best choice for you. The blackout fabric is completely light impenetrable, meaning you will be able to get that extra hour of sleep when needed. Blackout roller blinds are most effective fitted either outside the recess with a cassette or paired with curtains to make sure no light seeps around the edges of the roller.
Best for - Bedrooms, lounges and offices
Roller Blinds in a Cassette
A cassette can be added to any of the above roller blinds options.  A cassette is where the tube for the blind sits in a cartridge, hiding it and providing a sleeker finish.
The cassettes can come in a variety of metallic colours for contrast or it can be covered in the same fabric as the roller blind to give a seamless finish. A cassette also sits flush to the window frame when recess fitted, helping block out more light bleed at the top than a regular roller.
Best for - Any roller or room
Waterproof Roller Blinds
If you have a particularly steamy shower or bathroom you may find that fabrics can deteriorate quickly. Waterproof rollers will provide you with peace of mind that no matter how long you lie soaking in your bath for, the fabric will not be damaged. The chains are also rust proof.
Best for : Bathrooms and ensuites
Motorised Roller Blind
Any roller blind can be motorised with an addition of a small motor and control. The motor fits discretely inside the tube of the roller blind and works with the push of a button. 
You can programme multiple rollers to one remote making it a great option for spaces with lots of windows. Remote controlled blinds also give you the freedom to move your blind easily even if they are large or heavy blind.  In hard to reach areas a remote gives you the option to have an operable, not just decorative blind.
Best for : Large patio doors, conservatories or landings
Day/Night Blinds
If you can't make your mind up between voile or blackout fabrics, then day/night blinds might be your answer.
These blinds have fabric that is striped with block out and sheer fabric so you can adjust the roller depending on how much light you want at that particular time of day. These blinds give you the best of both worlds and therefore are very popular. 
Best for : Multi use rooms like Guest rooms/Office spaces 
How do you roll?
Your final choice with a roller blind is to choose which way to roll the fabric as the blind moves up and down. No matter what blind you choose, there are two options, either a standard roll or a reverse roll.
Your standard rolled roller blind (see image above) has the fabric falling to the back of the blind.  This is great for smaller window sills as the fabric sits close to the window when its down, giving you space to store items on your window sill without breakages. However it does mean that the reverse side of the fabric is visible on the roll at the top.  Don't forget that a cassette can be added to hide the roll for a more decorative finish.
The reverse rolled roller blind (see above image) has the fabric falling to the front of the tube. This may be more appealing visually as the fabric hides the tube at the top and you do not see the reverse of the fabric like the standard roll. The reverse rolled blind does take up more window ledge space because the fabric drops forward so do bear this in mind when making your decision.  This may be important to you in places like your kitchen or bathroom where you are likely to store items on window ledges.